Thursday 8 November 2012

Analysis of the codes and conventions on the form of a double spread article in a magazine

I have studied and analysed three double spread paged articles found in magazines, one which was themed on real life, another having the theme of music and finaly one based on film. Through analysing three articles I have discovered the common codes and conventions of the form for a double spread article page of a magazine that are vital to create a spatial, engaging, lumionus, interesting and proffessional looking article.Hopefully it  will cater to either a particular age, sex or the persons preffered reading, so that it would be a determined success and gain an income. I have outaken this task in researching double spread article pages so that I can incorporate certain elements i analysed to my own final product of a music magazine. Previously in my preliminary task I studied and analysed contents pages and front covers magazines based mainly on school, this helped me gain a greater understanding of the form of the contents pages and frontcovers. However this is the first time I have ever had to analyse a double spread article page, but I found it just as easy as the front covers and contents pages as they generally contained the same codes and conventions but just a few more so you can differentiate a contents page to an article. With this research that I have currently just conducted and along with the research that I have completed during the preliminary task, I feel as though I am capable of creating a double spread article for a magazine as the forms are clear and similar to front  pages which I have a very great knowledge of. Therefore if i follow the codes and conventions of the form, I should be capable of creating an attractive, entertaining and professional article.

Analysis 1

Analysis 2

Analysis 3

After conducting this research through analysis of the form of magazine double spread articles  it is crystal clear that in order for my article to look professional, cater to a majority of people, be engaging and fascinating then I need to stick to the following when producing my final double spread article: Incorporate a a quote that sits in the middle of the main body of text as it will catch the audiences attention if it is in larger font and a more luminous colour compared to the text by doing so it will hopefuly make the audience want to know more of the story. The use of colour schemes are very important, it helps if the colour scheme is consistant throughtout the whole of the magazine this being the front age and the contentspage too. When chosing my colour scheme i can have colours that completley clash or that completley work well together it doesnt matter however through analysis it came to my attention that it is effective if the colour scheme matches the colours within the images. The layout of my article is going to be an interveiw, however an introductory text will be used followed by questions which will be in a different font colour to stand out, by asking questions it makes the article more personal to the reader as its as if their favourite band is answering the questions everyone clearly wants to know and just for you, helps to connect with the magazine. Lastly I will make sure that the furniture,the background, be it an image or fill colour, it needs to be fairly simple so that text can be visibly clear and doesnt make the page too chaotic with too many colours. If I incorporate these codes and conventions of the form of a double spread article in a magazine then I will create a presentable and professional article that will be successful and be according to the veiwers prefered reading. 

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